Why join NZMA?
Mosaic artists in New Zealand often feel they’re working in isolation. By joining New Zealand Mosaic Art Inc. (NZMA), you’re joining an active community of mosaic artists.
NZMA exists to promote mosaic art in New Zealand – to celebrate the nation’s mosaic artists, highlight the uniqueness of the mosaic artform and encourage mosaic art in public spaces for everyone to enjoy.
Members of NZMA enjoy the inspiration and support membership can offer, such as opportunities to find congenial support and mentors, learn techniques, exhibit in the National Exhibition and work on community projects and commissions.
New Zealand Mosaic Art Inc. was established in 2017 to provide a strong sense of mosaic community in New Zealand. See our About Us page for more information on NZMA, its history, and its purposes.
Benefits Of Membership
In addition to the benefits of belonging to an active, supportive community of working mosaic artists, the following opportunities are only open to NZMA members:
- Exhibit at NZMA National Exhibitions and show a portfolio of their work in our online Member Gallery
- Participate in the NZMA Annual General Meeting, vote on policy and issues and take part in elections, perhaps seeking a leadership role within the Society.
Become A Member
Membership for the financial year 1 April to 31 March costs $45.00.
To join, please email us at [email protected]