The Dutch Connection
Size: 1200 mm x 600 mm, plywood base (sealed), porcelain plates, ceramic tiles, Dutch canal gables. Well, that is my heritage. One day my wife came home with three plates from the op shop and a plan hatched. I built the rest of the Dutch theme around the plates. The quote at the top is an old Dutch proverb. It really means the same as what Forrest Gump said: “Life’s like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re going to get”.
Manukau Heads
Size: 1260 mm x 960 mm, plywood base (sealed), ceramic tiles and mirror glass. This is a view of the Manukau Heads seen from Weymouth. We used to live nearby and we spent many happy hours exploring the foreshore here. I never tired of gazing in the distance where the Manukau Harbour joins the ocean. The inlet is just hidden by the large pine tree in the foreground.
Size: 960 mm x 640 mm, plywood base (sealed), ceramic tiles and mirror glass. I always get inspired when walking through New Zealand bush, specially when I see the abundance of ferns and their beautiful unfurling new fronds. I also love the fresh smell in the bush, particularly after rain.
Leo Geerlings
I stumbled onto mosaic art more or less by accident. About 15 years ago I had this old sun-umbrella stand that was getting a bit dodgy, so I set it in a car tyre and then poured concrete all around it forming a nice smooth dome. However, I thought the concrete looked a bit dull so I got some tiles and smashed them with a hammer and with the pieces I formed a Koru pattern on the concrete. The result is shown on my blog with the title “Koru”. And I have gone on from there. I have worked mostly with ceramic tiles and mirror glass, but lately I have started working with coloured glass also, particularly after completing a course at Con Kiernan’s. I have found mosaic art to be an excellent outlet for exercising the side of my brain I didn’t use in my accounting job. I have successfully completed one commission (“Four Stories”) and I am happy to consider further commissions.
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