New Zealand Mosaic Art

Judge’s Comments at the Ist National Exhibition 2011 Contemporary Mosaic Art held as part of Art Waikino, 21st-24th October 2011. The judge was Jacqui Douglas of Queensland, Australia.

1st Overall  Michael Coles

Excellent handmade tiles with interesting shapes and colour in the glazes bring a very special quality to this work.
A feeling of “What Makes a Kiwi Tick” which is the theme of this mosaic section is very evident in this work. By using this subdued colour pallet and the Nikau palms as a motif along with the use of a triangle motif that is carried through the whole Mosaic, the artist is able to bring a sense of harmony and life. A stunning Mosaic.

2nd Overall  Jane Santos

A sea of faces draws the viewer into this very interesting Mosaic, good use of small tesserae with a variety in colour and movement in the sky and background give a good contrast to the foreground. A very well balanced Mosaic that also shows a great adherence to the theme set. Well done.

3rd Overall   Rose Alderson

The mix of materials and the underlying design is excellent. The use of a shaped substrate adds to the story being told here, interest is also peeked in the way that the disparate found objects are used in this well made Mosaic

National Exhibition 2022

Our bi-annual New Zealand Mosaic Art Exhibition - "Mosaic 2022" - will be held in Whanganui during New Zealand's Labour Weekend in October. Opening weekend & Symposium 21th October – 24th October 2021. The exhibition is from 19th October - 13th November. Location: Whanganui Art - at the Centre. All information about entry, program, exhibition and symposium can be found here: https://nzmosaicartnz/exhibition-2022 The National Exhibition is our bi-annual showcase event, open to NZMA members as well as non-members, our exhibitions attract work from New Zealand's most experienced mosaic artists to beginners and youth.

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